Problem Identifier Unit Screen//v.w/ RR Template Fleas

Fleas infest pets, pet quarters, rooms, carpets, upholstered furniture, or the garden.

These pests of humans, dogs, cats, and many other warm-blooded animals are found throughout the world. In addition to causing annoying bites, they can transmit several serious diseases such as bubonic plague, murine typhus, and tapeworms. The cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), the dog flea (C. canis), and the human flea (Pulex irritans) are the most common species found around the home. These fleas have a wide host range, attacking humans, dogs and cats, and a number of other animals. The female fleas lay eggs shortly after feeding upon animal blood. The eggs are usually laid on the host's body, or the host's bedding. The eggs often fall off the host's body into floor crevices, dog and cat boxes, carpets, and other areas where the infested animals spend time. Within 10 days, the eggs hatch into tiny, wormlike larvae that feed on dried blood and excrement. Pupation occurs after 1 week to several months. The adult fleas may emerge after only a week if conditions are favorable, or emergence may be delayed up to a year. The adults often remain in their pupal cocoons until a host is present. A flea's life cycle may vary from 2 weeks up to 2 years. Because fleas have the ability to survive for many months in their cocoons, they can remain in vacated residences for long periods of time, waiting to emerge and bite returning pets and humans. Fleas are mainly spread by infested animals. Uninfested animals can easily pick up fleas when visiting flea-ridden areas. Fleas may also be spread by infested articles of clothing or furniture.

Treat infested pets. Dust them with ORTHO SEVINĀ® Garden Dust, or spray them with ORTHO Flea-B-Gon Total Flea Killer Indoor Spray Spray or ORTHO Pet Flea & Tick Spray--Formula III. Spray infested animal quarters with ORTHO Flea-B-Gon Flea & Tick Killer Indoor & Outdoor Spray, or dust with ORTHO Ant-Stop Ant Killer Dust. Read and follow label directions carefully. Flea-repellent collars may help to control fleas on animals. Destroy infested pet bedding, or wash it thoroughly in hot, soapy water. Vacuum carpeting, chairs, sofas, and other areas or objects that may contain eggs and larvae-ridden lint or debris, and then dispose of the vacuum bag. Kill remaining fleas with ORTHO Flea-B-Gon Total Flea Killer Indoor Spray Spray, ORTHO HI-POWER Indoor Insect Fogger--Formula IV, ORTHO Flea-B-Gon Flea-B-Gon Total Flea Killer Indoor Spray Indoor Fogger, or ORTHO Flea-B-Gon Total Flea Killer Indoor Spray. Kill fleas in the yard by spraying with ORTHO Flea-B-Gon Outdoor Flea & Tick Killer, ORTHO Malathion 50 PLUS Insect Spray, or ORTHO Diazinon PLUS Insect Spray. To prevent reinfestations, do not allow infested animals to enter the house and yard, and keep pets away from infested areas.